Long-time PLHS member, museum docent, and author, Dan Edwards has gleaned news snippets from various newspapers. The newspapers researched reach back to the late 1800’s. All spellings, punctuation, and phrasing are taken verbatim from the source material.
- All
- Denver Post
- Denver Post 1900s
- Denver Post 1910s
- Monument Snippets
- Rocky Mountain News
- Rocky Mountain News 1870s
- Rocky Mountain News 1880s
- Rocky Mountain News 1890s
- The Colorado Sun (Denver)
- The Colorado Sun (Denver) 1890s
- The Denver Republican
- The Denver Republican 1870s
- The Denver Republican 1890s
- The Denver Republican 1900s
- The Gazette
- The Gazette 1880s
- The Gazette 1910s
- The Gazette 1920s
- The Herald Defender (Leadville)
- The Herald Defender (Leadville) 1930s
- The Railroad Red Book (Denver)
- The Railroad Red Book (Denver) 1910s
- Weekly Register Call (Central City)
- Weekly Register Call (Central City) 1870s
The Railroad Red Book (Denver), December 1916 Monument a Thriving Farm and Dairy Community Monument is the shipping point for a large farming country known as the Divide section or [...]
Weekly Register Call (Central City), December 20, 1878 A Champion Walker According to the Monument Mentor, the Divide boasts a champion walkist [sic] in the person of Pat Murphy, who [...]
Colorado Sun (Denver), April 20, 1893 The Monument Reservoir State Engineer Cramer, after a thorough examination of the Monument reservoir, concludes that the appropriation of $4,000 made by the late [...]
Denver Republican, December 5, 1909 Work on Ice Houses Stopped Monument, Colo., Dec. 4. This has been the coldest day of the season. The thermometer has hovered close to zero [...]
Denver Republican, December 24, 1902 Monument Store Robbed—Barber under Suspicion The store of W.B. Walker was robbed again last night. George Shafter, who was running a barber shop between the [...]
Denver Republican, July 5, 1901 Colorado Shows Its Patriotism Monument, Colo., July 4. Hundreds of people came here today from Palmer Lake, Husted, Colorado Springs and towns east of here [...]
Denver Republican, April 13, 1893 Governor Waite at Monument Governor Waite paid Monument a visit today for the purpose of inspecting the Monument reservoir and determining whether the much-sought-for appropriation [...]
Colorado Springs Gazette, March 4, 1923 Ice Harvest Banquet Attracts Great Crowd at Monument All of Monument and a large portion of Palmer Lake and Colorado Springs turned out last [...]
Daily Republican (Denver), May 6, 1879 Monument Items On the fourth of November 1878, a private school was opened in Monument with fifteen pupils in attendance, which number was increased [...]
The Herald Defender (Leadville), October 13, 1938 Monument, Colo. Is First Town to Finish Project Under WPA To Monument, Colo., small Rocky mountain town five miles south of Palmer Lake, [...]
Colorado Springs Gazette, March 25, 1922 Monument Hotel Burns in Early Morning Fire One of Colorado’s oldest landmarks, the Monument Hotel, built in 1870, was burned to the ground yesterday [...]
Colorado Springs Gazette, January 5, 1916 Monument Hard Hit by Yesterday’s Wind Storm The town of Monument was badly hit by the storm, according to John Gilles, manager of the [...]
The Weekly Gazette, August 24, 1889 The Monument Fire Sunday about 11 a.m. the residence and harness shop of L.M. McFarland & Son was discovered to be on fire, and [...]
The Weekly Gazette, March 23, 1889 The Monument Fire Our city fathers visited every portion of the town ditch on Tuesday last, also the reservoir. The breaks in the ditch [...]
The Weekly Gazette, January 26, 1889 The Monument Fire After a long and vexatious delay, the new post office fixtures have arrived and are now placed in position and are [...]
Colorado Springs Weekly Gazette, January 19, 1889 Life’s Labor Ended Monument, Colo., Jan. 12. This morning our little city was thrown into a state of gloom and sadness by the [...]
Rocky Mountain News, August 21, 1895 Divide Potatoes Monument, Colo., Aug. 20. Carefully prepared statistics show that the potato crop now growing on the Divide is not up to the [...]
Rocky Mountain News, August 29, 1892 Finished by November Monument, Colo., Aug. 28. The state reservoir adjoining this place, so the contractor Hon. David McShane says, will be completed by [...]
Rocky Mountain News, July 16, 1892 Calamity Averted Monument, Colo., July 15. Another heavy rain which terminated into a flood visited this place today. The rain preceded an unusually warm [...]
Rocky Mountain News, May 6, 1892 New Mining Companies The Monument Treasure Mining & Milling company was incorporated yesterday by J.W. Mudge, J.W. McLean and Frank White. Capital stock $1,000,000. [...]
Rocky Mountain News, September 23, 1891 It Was a Success Monument, Colo., Sept. 21. “The Divide Potato Bake and Barbecue association” was organized in the autumn of 1889. The object [...]
Rocky Mountain News, August 13, 1891 Monument Wants the Seat of Government of Divide County Monument, Colo., Aug. 12. A largely attended and enthusiastic meeting was held in Walker’s hall [...]
Rocky Mountain News, February 4, 1891 Monument Wants the Seat of Government of Divide County Monument, Colo., Feb. 3. A largely attended mass meeting of the citizens of Monument was [...]
Rocky Mountain News, October 11, 1890 Monument had her potato bake, and it was a howling success. For more than a year the event has been discussed. A year ago [...]
Rocky Mountain News, June 11, 1890 Monument is excited over the postmastership. The late John M. Duffy was barely buried before the factions went to war over his successor. His [...]
Rocky Mountain News, October 25, 1889 The Potato Bake “Potato day,” which is to be celebrated at Monument one week from today, has awakened great enthusiasm all over the county, [...]
Rocky Mountain News, August 10, 1885 The Monument cheese factory is running with a full force and consumes about thirty-five hundred pounds of milk per day, equivalent to nearly four [...]
Rocky Mountain News, September 9, 1881 The building now used as a station house by the railroad company is soon to be made into a section house and a new [...]
Rocky Mountain News, August 19, 1881 Mrs. M. Lierd, an old lady living about a mile south of this city, had a very narrow escape from instant death on Wednesday. [...]
Rocky Mountain News, July 9, 1881 Our iron spring still continues to attract attention. The farmer’s heart rejoices—rain has come and plenty of it, and everything looks thriving once more. [...]
Rocky Mountain News, July 6, 1881 During the past week a new bell for the Baptist church [arrived], and with slight intermissions has been almost constantly rung since. It weighs [...]
Rocky Mountain News, June 29, 1881 Mr. H. Toothacker of Colorado Springs open a new blacksmith shop soon. Although this is one of the windiest towns in the state, it [...]
The [Denver and] New Orleans [rail]road has an agent constantly on the alert in this vicinity, and ties are picked up as fast as they make their appearance. [This railroad [...]
Rocky Mountain News, June 3, 1881 The Presbyterians are erecting a $2,000 house of worship, which will be completed and ready for occupancy in about two weeks. Mr. R.C. Elliott, [...]
Rocky Mountain News, December 28, 1879 The faculty of the State Agricultural college [at Greeley] will hold a farmers’ institute at Monument on Friday evening, January 2, and continuing over [...]
Rocky Mountain News, May 8, 1878 The Monument cheese factory and mercantile company filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state yesterday morning. The company had filed articles of [...]
Denver Post, January 1, 1910 Colorado Springs, Colo., Jan. 1. A windstorm which attained a velocity of seventy-five miles an hour caused innumerable small fires and considerable damage here yesterday [...]
Denver Post, January 19, 1901 Hanks and Doyle commenced cutting ice today on the Monument reservoir, filling their local orders. Should the weather permit they will have a number of [...]