The Railroad Red Book (Denver), December 1916
Monument a Thriving Farm and Dairy Community
Monument is the shipping point for a large farming country known as the Divide section or rain belt which lies east and south, extending for a distance of fifteen miles. This section of the country is noted for its large yields of grains, potatoes [emphasis added] and forage crops. During the years of 1914 and 1915, the wheat turned out as high as 46 bushels to the acre; oats, from 40 to 60 bushels, weighing from 42 to 48 pounds to the bushel. Potatoes this year have brought (owing to high prices) from $200 to $400 per acre, the latter being an exceptionally good yield. [Note: the conventional wisdom is that potatoes were not raised in the Monument area after the late 1890’s.] All other small grains do equally as well, but a great many farmers are building silos and raising more corn for feeding the dairy cows and stock cattle.
Much of the ensilage crops turned out from four to five tons per acre this year, making by far the cheapest feed that the farmer can produce. Not enough can be said of this crop, especially in this section, where it is too high to mature corn every year. Dairying and stock-raising are the two principal industries besides farming. Much of this produce is handled through the local dealers at Monument, where there are markets, three general merchandise stores, a creamery, two blacksmith shops, hotel, restaurant, etc.
Most all of these ranches or farms are stocked either with good dairy cattle or a high grade of stock cattle. The Allen Cattle Company, known all over the country, is located a few miles from Monument. The organized work of the County Agriculturist, together with the Farmers’ Club of Monument, is doing much toward the up-building of this section in all lines of agriculture.