The Herald Defender (Leadville), October 13, 1938
Monument, Colo. Is First Town to Finish Project Under WPA
To Monument, Colo., small Rocky mountain town five miles south of Palmer Lake, goes the honor of having the first completed project in the nation under the vast new program of the public works administration.
The application for school repairs was one of the smallest filed under PWA’s new program. It called for a grant of $585 for re-roofing a gymnasium and the purchase of additional equipment, the total cost of which was $1,300.
The PWA allotment for the Monument project was announced August 18, and the project was completed September 12.
In the PWA’s fifth region of which Colorado is a part, 175 new projects are now under construction. Approximately one thousand projects will be building in the seven states of the fifth region before January 1, the deadline set by Congress for the start of construction of all projects financed under the 1938 PWA appropriation.