Museum opening hours: LUCRETIA VAILE MUSEUM HOURS: Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM & Sat 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

66 Lower Glenway Street

Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133

Rocky Mountain News – June 29, 1881 – Monument Items

Rocky Mountain News, June 29, 1881

Mr. H. Toothacker of Colorado Springs open a new blacksmith shop soon.

Although this is one of the windiest towns in the state, it does not raise any dust.

Several gamblers from Denver have been here recently, doing a rushing business.

The Presbyterian church, although not yet completed will be formally dedicated next Sabbath.

Mr. W.B. Walker acts as our banker, cashing the boys’ time checks for them and issuing exchange on Colorado Springs banks for his neighbors.

Mr. Rod Walker has gone to Denver to buy a large stock of goods and to look after his car of grain, which left Denver on June 16 and has not yet arrived.

The advance agent of Cole’s circus was in town Thursday, having his posters pasted on to every available fence and vacant house. Several persons refused to have their premises thus decorated.

The Adams Express company has an office in this city. Their agent is required to be at the depot twice every day, and working on a commission of ten per cent, clears about five cents per day salary.

The Denver & Rio Grande railway have a train and large force of men widening out the grades. They will probably put on steam shovels soon to widen out several large cuts in this vicinity and fil in three large culverts now nearly completed.

The Denver & New Orleans railway have about 5,000 ties at Borst’s. It is their intention to haul them over the range to their road, which will be about ten miles away. These ties are said to be the best ever sold in the vicinity. The spring term of Monument academy closed Thursday, and on Friday the scholars accompanied by Prof. Parkinson go on a picnic to the mountains. On Monday next Prof. Parkinson will go to Kansas City on a visit to his brother, returning in September to teach in some other portion of the state.

T.C. Plummer, of Plummer & Agnew, lumberman, has sold out to F.M. Agnew, who now has two mills on his hands, and if satisfactory arrangements can be made, will probably move out to the mills. Mr. Plummer will remain in the city until September, having charge of lumber shipments from this point.