Museum opening hours: LUCRETIA VAILE MUSEUM HOURS: Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM & Sat 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

66 Lower Glenway Street

Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133

Rocky Mountain News – August 10, 1885 – Monument Items

Rocky Mountain News, August 10, 1885

The Monument cheese factory is running with a full force and consumes about thirty-five hundred pounds of milk per day, equivalent to nearly four hundred and fifty gallons. The potato crop promises to be the best ever raised in this section and so far is in good condition. The Divide potatoes will no doubt maintain their reputation. The crop from here goes mostly to New Mexico and sells largely to the government. Mr. Henry Limbach weighed last year for different contractors 2,500,000 pounds, which brought from 35 to 75 cents per hundred. The grain crop is excellent, comprising wheat, rye and oats.

The grain and root crops, with the fine yield of hay, will make the Monument farmers independent this fall. Mr. W.B. Walker is building a stone block, 24×60 feet, two stories and a basement. The upper story will be occupied as a Masonic hall, the first story as a general store and the basement for potato storage.

Several other small buildings are in course of erection.

Hon. David McShane, in addition to his duties as county commissioner, is actively engaged in farming and has a fine crop.

Mr. Thomas Conway, who was agent of the Rio Grande for three years, resigned about three months ago for a visit to Canada. He has just returned and resumed his position.