Rocky Mountain News, October 25, 1889
The Potato Bake
“Potato day,” which is to be celebrated at Monument one week from today, has awakened great enthusiasm all over the county, and the prospects are for a large outpouring of people from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. The residents of the divide are making active preparations to handsomely entertain everybody, and a royal good time may be expected. There will be music and addresses by state officials, athletic games, and a roast ox and several tons of baked potatoes.
The Rio Grande and Santa Fe have made special round trip rates of $1.75 from Denver, 75 cents from Colorado Springs, and $2 from Pueblo. Parties leaving Denver on the morning train at 8 o’clock reach Monument at 10:30 and returning leave Monument at 5 p.m., arriving at 7:30 in the evening. There will, however, be a big ball in the evening.