Museum opening hours: LUCRETIA VAILE MUSEUM HOURS: Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM & Sat 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

66 Lower Glenway Street

Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133

Rocky Mountain News – August 13, 1891 – Monument Wants the Seat of Government of Divide County

Rocky Mountain News, August 13, 1891

Monument Wants the Seat of Government of Divide County

Monument, Colo., Aug. 12. A largely attended and enthusiastic meeting was held in Walker’s hall tonight for the purpose of arranging for the annual divide potato bake to be held at Monument this fall. The meeting was organized by the election of J.E. Smith, chairman, and W.S. Neal, secretary. The following permanent organization was effected: President, William Loney of Table Rock; vice president, O.P. Jackson of Pring; secretary, R.J. Gwillim of Table Rock; treasurer, H. Schwanbeck of Monument. The date of the bake was fixed on or before September 25.

The officers appointed are among the representative ranchmen and businessmen who propose to make the celebration a grand success. Special attention will be given to an exhibition of non-irrigated products raised on the divide, prizes will be given for fine stock, also for athletic games of all kinds. Special railroad rates will be secured.