Museum opening hours: LUCRETIA VAILE MUSEUM HOURS: Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM & Sat 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

66 Lower Glenway Street

Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133

Rocky Mountain News – July 6, 1881 – Monument Items

Rocky Mountain News, July 6, 1881

During the past week a new bell for the Baptist church [arrived], and with slight intermissions has been almost constantly rung since. It weighs about 900 pounds.

The city council have recently passed some very stringent measures in regard to saloons on Sunday. They are forbidden to put curtains or screens before the windows on that day, every person being at liberty to view the inside, and should anyone be seen imbibing within, the proprietor can be hauled up and fined or his license annulled or both.

Two iron springs have recently been discovered near the city on David McShane’s ranch, three-quarters of a mile from town. Mr. McShane took a small quantity to Colorado Springs for analysis, and it was said to be very strong of iron. The springs are near Monument creek in a delightful spot with shrubbery and flowers in abundance. Near the springs there is a large beaver dam. There is talk of raising a subscription and putting in a good road and walk to the springs, but no move has yet been made towards that end. Probably 500 persons have visited the springs within the past week.

The Denver & Rio Grande Railway are measuring heights at each mile post on the line from Denver to El Moro and are setting stones near the mile posts with the elevation marked thereon. The elevation of Weissport as given by them is 7,237 feet and of Monument 6,668 feet.