Rocky Mountain News, February 4, 1891
Monument Wants the Seat of Government of Divide County
Monument, Colo., Feb. 3. A largely attended mass meeting of the citizens of Monument was held this evening to take action regarding the bill now pending in the legislature to make the new county of Divide out of portions of El Paso and Douglas counties, with Palmer Lake as the temporary county seat. Monument being the largest town and principal shipping point in the proposed new county, our citizens feel we should secure the prize. The meeting was organized by the selection of John E. Smith as chairman, A.F. Woodward secretary.
A motion was adopted declaring the sense of the meeting to be that the citizens of Monument are in favor of the division of the counties as proposed with Monument as the county seat. A committee of three was appointed to work under the above motion to help the cause along. Committees were also appointed to collect funds, to prepare and carry petitions, to prepare statistics of business done at this point, etc. Henry Limbach was elected treasurer. The secretary was instructed to write Hon. C.D. Ford, ex-representative of El Paso county; General Charles Adams and Hon. W.E. Meek, requesting their assistance in the enterprise.