The [Denver and] New Orleans [rail]road has an agent constantly on the alert in this vicinity, and ties are picked up as fast as they make their appearance. [This railroad was building a line from Denver to Colorado Springs that ran through Elizabeth and Elbert, well east of Monument.]
Mr. C. Whittlesey, for the past five years ranching in this vicinity, has accepted a position on the Denver & Rio Grande at Cotapaxi.
The Denver & Rio Grande Railway are placing immense sand boxes at this place, also at Colorado Springs and Larkspur for accommodation of their trains. Several times recently trains have been compelled to stop between stations and shovel sand from the roadway to prevent slipping.
A ride on the lake at Weissport [later renamed Palmer Lake] is one of the many attractions in this vicinity, and of which several took advantage last Sabbath.
Mr. L. Welty of Borst’s, was in town Monday with his stallion, Prince.
Every day about 3 o’clock a violent wind comes up, causing pedestrians some amusement and trouble, and sometimes brings a shower to gladden the farmers here and cool the atmosphere, it being decidedly warm during the day. The duke of Southerland’s train stopped a few moments here to allow the party a glimpse of the monuments, so near and yet so far away. Pike’s Peak is not visible from here.
The city fathers were to have met last evening, but when the appointed time came, our worthy mayor nowhere could be found. This morning he appeared at breakfast very late, and from his sheepish looks it is inferred he was trying to follow Castle Rock style, which at the present time is courting, getting married and trying to live a happy life.