Rocky Mountain News, August 19, 1881
Mrs. M. Lierd, an old lady living about a mile south of this city, had a very narrow escape from instant death on Wednesday. As train No. 1, due here at 10:47 a.m., was nearing the station she was observed coming up the track and when opposite the freight office was requested to get off the track, but instead of stepping off on the opposite side, went along until she came to a gentleman on the platform and asked his assistance. The train was then scarcely 100 feet away. Assistance being rendered she was landed on the platform in a promiscuous heap just as the train came rushing along. The old lady being a very fluent talker and not liking the figure she cut in the scene, immediately on getting to her feet began a tirade of abuse upon the party who had saved her life.
Mr. L.S. Vickers, who left here about four weeks ago with samples of ore from Hay creek for assay in Denver, has returned. He had several tests made, which ran all the way from $2 to $24 per ton in gold. He will proceed at once to his claims and push the work of development. People here are in hopes he will strike ore that will pay for shipping, as this city would be the point for shipping and obtaining supplies, being only five miles distant.
The Denver & Rio Grande Railway are now filling in the large culverts near here. Engines Nos. 3 and 15 are doing the work. Yesterday their operations were suddenly brought to a standstill. Engine No 3, after getting order to go to Divide [Palmer Lake] and obtain water for the steam shovel, came back and instead of stopping at the shovel or returning, kept on, running into Engine No. 15, which was returning after unloading a train load of gravel. Three men were seated on the water car in front of Engine No. 3 and were compelled to jump for their lives. Happily no one was hurt. The amount of damage done was considerable, the water car being disabled. It will have to be rebuilt. The front end of No. 15 is stove in, the front braces and beams broken, the axles bent and the wheels broken. One of the flat cars was telescoped. The damage to No. 3 was not so much, her front trucks being broken, however, and other repairs necessary, which will cause both to go to the shops at Burnham [south Denver] for repairs.