Rocky Mountain News, July 9, 1881
Our iron spring still continues to attract attention. The farmer’s heart rejoices—rain has come and plenty of it, and everything looks thriving once more. Potatoes are above par.
W.E. Killen, pump repairer for the Denver & Rio Grande railway, has recently arrived in town with his family and sister.
Mr. J.C. Agnew recently climbed to the top of Cathedral rock—the only man who has ever performed the feat—and he does not desire to do it again.
Going twenty miles to get a tooth pulled is not a very pleasant undertaking, especially when one is suffering untold agony. Yet Monument folk are compelled to do it, their town doctor not having received his instruments as yet.
There is a prospect of a tie war in view of the fact that the Denver & Rio Grande have issued instructions to their agents between Denver and Colorado Springs not to receive any ties for shipment for outside parties. It is well-known that the Denver & New Orleans railway have a large number of first-class ties awaiting shipment between these points, and interested parties are waiting to see what the end will be.