Museum opening hours: LUCRETIA VAILE MUSEUM HOURS: Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM & Sat 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

66 Lower Glenway Street

Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133

Rocky Mountain News – July 16, 1892 – Calamity Averted

Rocky Mountain News, July 16, 1892

Calamity Averted

Monument, Colo., July 15. Another heavy rain which terminated into a flood visited this place today. The rain preceded an unusually warm spell and was accompanied by mighty thunder and lightning. The streets are badly flooded and the storm continues unabated.

The Monument creek rose five feet high and flooded the reservoir campers, washing out a small portion of the work. The bridge crossing the culvert, a quarter of a mile north of this place on the Rio Grande, is rendered useless by the washing away of the stone abutments and props The track is suspended in midair over a space fifty feet long and forty feet high. The Rio Grande train No. 8, due here at 4:57, passed over in safety, but the Rock Island, which followed close behind, is still here with but little prospect of getting out soon.

Owing to the rain which still continues in great volumes, no work can be done toward replacing the abutments. Fortunately the washing away of the supports occurred in the day time, otherwise a fearful calamity would have occurred. The storm is the worst one ever seen here. No damage has been done to crops so far as can be learned.