Museum opening hours: LUCRETIA VAILE MUSEUM HOURS: Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM & Sat 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

66 Lower Glenway Street

Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133

Above & Beyond, A Hero’s Story – DVD

Above & Beyond, A Hero’s Story – DVD


This 30 minute presentation recounts the story of William J. Crawford. Bill, a Colorado native, was awarded the Medal of Honor for action during WWII. Bill’s MOH was awarded posthumously to his father in 1943. Forty-one years later, President Reagan presented the medal to Bill. Find out how this came to be! Told by Bill, in his own words, with action footage. A gripping and inspiring story!

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SKU: plhs-above-beyond-heros-story Category:


This 30 minute presentation recounts the story of William J. Crawford. Bill, a Colorado native, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for action during WWII. Bill’s MOH was awarded “posthumously” to his father in 1943 when Crawford was believed “killed in action”. He survived the war, however, and forty-one years later, President Reagan presented the medal to Bill in person. Find out how this came to be! Told by Bill, in his own words, with action footage. A gripping and inspiring story!

By Jim Sawatzki (Emmy Nominee) and Palmer Divide Productions
Subject: Bill J. Crawford, Medal of Honor