Museum opening hours: LUCRETIA VAILE MUSEUM HOURS: Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM & Sat 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

66 Lower Glenway Street

Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133

The Lucretia Vaile Museum

The Lucretia Vaile Museum

Lucretia Vaile Library and Museum

Museum hours are Wednesdays 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm and Saturdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Private tours available with reservations. You may call the museum at (719) 559-0837 and leave a message. FREE and open to the public. Pick up your 2025 Historical Society Calendars here while supplies last, starting in November.

The ever popular  2025  Tri-Lakes Historical Society Calendars are available at our Lucretia Vaile Museum located at 66 Lower Glenway St. (below the library) in Palmer Lake, Colorado under the Pikes Peak Library.

The museum is open from 10-2 on Saturdays, and from 1-4 on Wednesdays. Come see our gift shop and pick up your free copy while they last.  Bring your out of town guests to visit. Always a fun time for all ages.

Calendars are also available at our monthly programs (usually held on the Third Thursdays) each month from 7:00 – 8:30 at the Palmer Lake Town Hall. 

Thank you to all our loyal advertisers. We appreciate your support!!

Calendars are also available through our faithful advertisers. Stop by and tell them thank you: Affordable Flooring, Sundance BBQ, Facinelli Motors, Sara’s Sausage, O’Malley’s Pub, Monument Auto Clinic,      Rock House Ice Cream, Candy & More, Vogue Hair Styling, Jim Maguire, Maguireville, Patrick Hall – State Farm Insurance, Ruth Wordelman, Front Range Realty, Monarch Merchandising, Tri-Lakes Printing, Monument Pharmacy, Integrity Bank & Trust,  DARS Janitorial Supply, Christian Brothers Automotive, Trish Flake – Main Street Brokers, Enchanted Florist, My House Cafe, Pikes Peak Trolley Museum and the Funky Little Theater, Co.

We thank all our faithful sponsors for their support and hope you enjoy our 2025 Tri Lakes Calendar.


The Lucretia Vaile Museum began in the basement of the Palmer Lake Marshal’s Offices (originally the AT&SF Section Foreman’s house). The museum quickly outgrew that building, and the current Library-Museum was dedicated on October 4, 1981.

The building was erected as a memorial to Lucretia Vaile, who left a bequest to the town of Palmer Lake, which was used to build the original structure. With the new building came new museum pieces. A local  furrier who was going out of business donated the glass display cases still used in the museum.

An addition was built in 1996 with money the Palmer Lake Historical Society received from the estate of Lena Royse, providing storage and administrative space. The Museum now contains permanent exhibits dedicated to the towns of Palmer Lake and Monument as well as the surrounding area including Black Forest and the U.S. Airforce Academy. The rich history of the Palmer Divide area is maintained as a legacy for those yet to come.

A Museum Director, Staff, and Docents, all of whom are volunteers, operate the Museum. Meet our team!

It houses many photos, articles, and artifacts of the historical Palmer Lake, Monument and Palmer Divide areas. Special displays are rotated every 4-6 months.

Mission Statement

To provide, maintain and expand a museum resource for historical data, artifacts and other items of significance relating to Palmer Lake, Monument, and the Palmer Divide area and make resources available to the public on a scheduled basis.


  • Serve the historical and educational needs of the Palmer Divide area including Monument, Woodmoor, United States Air Force Academy, Black Forest and Palmer Lake as a resource and repository for historically significant documents, photos, artifacts and related items.

  • Preserve and protect the Museum and its contents.

  • Maintain Museum housing, reference files, books and storage on an organized basis.

  • Coordinate liaison activities with the Palmer Lake Historical Society, sponsor of the Lucretia Vaile Museum, and also with the Town of Palmer Lake for those services furnished by the Society and the Town.

  • Coordinate liaison activities with the Town of Monument and private organizations to further the mission of the Museum.

  • Communicate to the public the availability of the Museum as a research and educational resource and assist visitors with information about the historical data available.

  • Maintain and communicate to the public the schedule of the Museum’s open hours.

  • Promote guided tours, develop and conduct history-related presentations to clubs and groups, create Museum displays and sponsor special Museum events.

  • Encourage and promote donations to the museum of historically significant data and artifacts.

  • Encourage and secure donations and funding to ensure the continuation of the Museum.

Patrons and Benefactors

We wish to recognize the patrons and benefactors that have made very generous contributions thus furthering the mission of the Lucretia Vaile Museum and the Historical Society.

Please visit the websites of these fine people and organizations. They have all helped make the job of preserving and displaying the history of the Tri-Lakes area possible. Find out more at our new Patrons and Benefactors page.