Denver Post, May 5, 1900
Last evening [Denver & Rio Grande] freight train No. 49 left Denver in three sections bound for Ogden. The first section was in charge of CoThe company owing the Glen Park property is composed of Chautauqua and Christian people, who determined to establish an educational and Christian family resort where cultured people would be sure of finding congenial spirits, where only the best in the way of amusement, entertainment and instruction would prevail, and where there would be a Christian Sabbath and the Lord’s name be honored. By early presenting programs of a high order, emphasizing in a quiet way the good and openly discouraging the bad, the management have succeeded in creating a moral tone, so that Glen Park has come to be recognized as a distinctly Christian resort and the center of the philanthropic and Christian forces of the state.
Here politics in the modern sense of the word and the bigotry of religion find no place. All faiths, all creeds, either of state or church are welcome in Glen Park, just so they are founded upon the world-wide principles of brotherly love and the ideal of all that is good, pure and true. The bad find nothing to prey on in Glen Park. No liquor is sold. There Sabbath peace is not enforced by rigid rules but by that power greater than all rules, the sentiment of all the people. Rest, peace and study linger here. Riot, excitement and depravity must go elsewhere.
The Y.W.C.A. have had their “Summer Rest Home” there for six years. They furnish room and board to self-supporting women for $3.50 a week. This spring they are building a large dining hall and reception room in which they will care for the Y.M.C.A. The Y.M.C.A. also makes its summer home there and is closely identified with the Chautauqua work. The Manly Club home is a summer home for young men of the same order as the Y.W.C.A. home. The Y.M.C.A. state convention and a two-day rally of the Christian Endeavor society will be held at Glen Park this year.
There will also be a Sunday School Normal Institute. This institute is for the training of Sunday school teachers, Y.M.C.A. workers and members of young people’s societies. The course is under the supervision of the Colorado State Sunday School association, the Arapahoe County Sunday School association and the Chautauqua Normal committee. It is hoped that someday the Sunday school teacher will need a diploma from some normal course or at least to demonstrate in some way fitness for this high office. A diploma will be granted those passing the examination in this normal course. The Bible Normal department will be in charge of Rev.
J.M Wilson, D.D. The Chautauqua management had no easy task in finding a worthy successor to Dr. W.H. Heisler, who has served so faithfully for several years. But it is with great satisfaction that it most heartily commends Dr. J.M. Wilson as abundantly able to lead in this most important department. During Dr. Wilson’s recent pastorate in Omaha, he filled the chair of the English Bible in the Presbyterian Theological seminary there. Dr. Wilson now occupies the chair of applied ethics in our state university and is a pastor at Boulder.
The Sunday school normal department will be in charge of Rev. R.W. Lewis. This gentleman has served in this capacity before and has the gift in a remarkable degree of imparting to others the teaching method.